After almost 2 years neglecting my blog, I suddenly had the sudden urge to write a post that might be beneficial to everyone of us. Well it is mostly about my thoughts and I would love to see some feedback regarding the issues that I would present later. I have been pondering about this matter for quite sometime and it is pretty hard for me to ask someone or have a heart to heart conversation because I'm not good with words. Really bad. Very bad. Hahaha. I always turn out to say something else instead and I find that really funny (why isn't there any emojis here or am I blind? So awkward without emojis T.T)
OK! Lets start. But how to start? Errr...
Basically, I'm worried about my studies and I think everyone is currently dealing with that. I have been too focus on finishing up my assignments that the amount of time I spent on my studies is very minimum. To make matter worse, even if I did my revision, my heart and my mind are not into it. There are so much negative thoughts that take control over me. Like:
At first i think by closing my eyes and try to forget all this thoughts makes be feel better but no it doesn't. This one whole week has been so unproductive to me. I have been trying to find my pace back, getting the hang on myself. But I do believe that all my thoughts, prayers and efforts are being listened by The Almighty, Allah. At times like this when I can't really express what I feel to any of my friends, He is the only one that i can go to. When I don't feel at ease, He's the one that I lie onto. But to what extent do I, obediently obey what He ask for? Am I good enough in the eyes of Allah? I am certainly trying to be a better Muslim, InsyaAllah. Sesungguhnya Dia-lah yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.
I guess that is all that I am able to tell. Feel free to leave your two cents regarding my post. Thanks for reading!
Assalamualaikum :)